Nicole Weber

At CHI, Nicole Weber leads a diverse portfolio of public health projects, including using regional partnerships to respond to COVID-19, immunization, behavioral health, and health equity needs. As part of this work she facilitates the Metro Denver Partnership for Health (MDPH) and its collaborative, cross-department work groups. In 2021 her leadership led MDPH to receive the Innovative Practice Gold Award from the National Association of County and City Health Officials for their collaborative approaches to the COVID-19 response.
Nicole was previously the Program Coordinator for a multicounty HPV-prevention grant at the Public Health Institute at Denver Health, where was responsible for leading health systems, communication, and quality improvement efforts aimed at increasing adolescent vaccination rates across Colorado. In 2018, the Colorado Public Health Association awarded her the Emerging Leader in Public Health Award for this regional collaborative work.
Nicole has also served as an Assistant Researcher studying medical decision-making and surgical outcomes at the University of Wisconsin Department of Surgery. Her specialties included improving patient and provider communication and helping older adults make health care choices that align with their values.
She earned a master’s degree in public health from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, where she worked with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau on continuing education and with the Association of Minnesota Counties on local legislative issues. Nicole also has a bachelor’s in social work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Sample Projects:
- Metro Denver Partnership for Health: Local public health agencies, CDPHE, health systems, human services, Regional Accountable Entities, and health alliances.
- Let's Talk, a statewide campaign focused on improving mental health and reducing stigma in Colorado.
- Lead author: Operationalizing Equity in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution, Guidelines for Expanding Immunization Delivery During COVID-19, COVID-19 Community Testing Guidance Document for Health Systems, and Colorado COVID-19 Community Testing.
Skills: Facilitation, convening, strategic planning, grant writing, health messaging communication, training

Focus Areas:
- COVID-19 response
- Immunizations
- Care coordination
- Social determinants of health
- Behavioral health