Acclimate Action Team

In April 2022, the Colorado Health Institute launched Acclimate Colorado with the goal of driving policy changes that will help Colorado communities become more resilient in the face of climate change, and to improve health equity for the people most profoundly and unfairly affected.

Supporting and informing this work is a group of diverse group of stakeholders that includes representation from academia, local government, mental health, economic development, energy, Indigenous and communities of color, agriculture, advocacy, public health (both rural and urban), and state agencies. 

The Acclimate Action Team helped develop Colorado’s first Health and Climate Change Policy Agenda in February 2023. Each member is working to advance different areas of health and climate policy and adaptation in the state.

Action Team Members

Michelle Butler, Colorado Energy Office

Marjorie Connolly, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe – Climate Adaptation Plan Team

Scott Cowman, Routt County Environmental Health

James Crooks, Colorado School of Public Health and National Jewish Health

Brittany Denzer, MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Lindsay Ex, Colorado Communities for Climate Action

Marguerite Harden, Department of Local Affairs

Pegah Jalali, Colorado Fiscal Institute 

Megan Kemp, Healthy Air and Water Colorado

Michael King, Colorado Department of Transportation

Heidi Leathwood, 350Colorado

Juan Madrid, GreenLatinos

Peter Manetta, Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials (CALPHO)

Katy McLaren, City of Fort Collins

Chris Menges, The Nature Conservancy

Lisa Romero, Kaiser Permanente Colorado

Marianne Shiple, Boulder County Public Health

Guadalupe Solís, Cultivando

Jahan Taganova, Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency, City and County of Denver

Collin Tomb, Metro Denver Partnership for Health

Cate Townley, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

Adrian Uzunian, La Plata Public Health 

Dace West and Naomi Amaha, The Denver Foundation

Clinton Wilson, AgWell

Jackie Zubrzycki, Colorado Children's Campaign

Partner With Us

CHI is always looking for additional collaborators in this work. To learn more or to join the team, please contact Director Karam Ahmad.

CHI's Acclimate Team

Karam Ahmad, Director

Nina Bastian, Program Manager

Chrissy Esposito, Research and Analysis Manager

Maggie Hart, Research Analyst

Kirsti Klaverkamp, Director

Emily Santich, Policy Analyst

Lindsey Whittington, Data and Analysis Manager

Deanna Geldens, Communications lead