Supporting Documents

Health and Health Care in Colorado

What the data say and what the experts say about health and health care in Colorado.
March 10, 2023

The report, commissioned by HealthONE Alliance (now the Colorado Health Foundation), was designed to create a better understanding of Colorado’s health and health care needs at the community level. CHI surveyed local communities to determine health threats and how philanthropy can support local planning and service delivery efforts.

While Colorado tended to be healthier, disparities exist, the report said. The population groups most at risk for poor health outcomes are growing, notably the elderly and individuals of

Latino (Hispanic) descent. The Colorado population age 65 years and older is expected to increase almost 50 percent by 2020, while Hispanics will make up 25 percent of the state’s population by 2020.

Analyses of the geographic distribution of chronic disease prevalence, risk factors and mortality rates indicate that rural areas of the state have poorer health status, suggesting need for a better distribution of public health interventions and primary health care providers.